6 May 2014

The Doors and Alleys of Appledore

I remember a couple years ago when I just joined Tulisan, Melissa went to Switzerland and came back showing me pictures of doors. Just doors. She told me how they took her to the days of the old, the period of time that these doors had went through, just by standing there. I remember I thought about the images for the weeks that followed, it was one of the most prominent images I have in my head.

There are mysteries in the doors. Some are bound to refuse entrance of strangers, so one could only stand out and wander what it had been gone through. At times, I'd prefer to not know what lays behind the doors, just because I believe there are more magics behind closed doors.

Then, for me, there are the alleys; just as mesmerising if not more. (One of the thing I loved about Jakarta was its labyrinth-like navigating system when no one could ever know the whole scope of Jakarta, if one does not master the alleys - which I believe made Jakarta so charmingly complex to navigate in for newcomers.) Alleys gave context to these doors, and I could just spend my days getting lost and not caring about it.

Alleys lead you to mysterious paths of endless possibilities, end you up in circles, not knowing where to end - if they should end at all.

 Images are taken in the alleys of Appledore, Devon. May 2014.

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