18 November 2011

Writer's Block

The thing about doing what you really like as a part of your job, at times leave me to ponder that 'you know what, maybe I'm not that good in doing this. Maybe I'm just a one lucky kid.' Which really shouldn't be an issue, because even if so, you're doing it and others don't. Then, you start to get into a routine (oh, yes, this so-called creative world has its routine), then some things suck because you have to compromise on what others thought is right - or favorable; then you passed on other writings and thought, 'Shoot, this dude writes better than I.' and of course all the business requests that you can not avoid.

The good (or perhaps dreadful) thing is: at the end of the day you'd find yourself pleased that at least you have the chance to do the one thing you really like. And you're back to the first thought you had before: "Maybe I'm just one lucky kid."

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