26 November 2011

The War and Affair of Heartbreaks

Indeed. It is a war and such an affair to be in a heartbroken experience, so call me old-fashioned if you'd like. I wish I could be less intense in dealing with hearts, but heart is one little fragile creature. And I tend to take it seriously, even when it has to do with someone else's affair. In a talk of being 25, some friends have finally end their search, some are in the midst of making sure, some are simply having fun for life indeed has too much excitement at this time of age. I am indifferent on this, for I believe a state of one person could only meet his/her ability to cope with problems.So, relax if you're not in the state where you wish you would be in this love thing, it'll come around just when you less think of it. And, yes, I know you still wouldn't be relax even after I said so, I had tons of minutes telling myself to relax, yet I still have those crying-while-driving session out of frustation. So, don't listen to me, listen to the one who knows best: God. And even if you don't believe in God, put the rest of the crowd in the bottom of the list, you want to listen to yourself first before looking it out in the crowd. You'd know.


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