12 November 2009


it's hidden and preserved only for us. i share it only to those who care enough. those who don't have no idea what they could have seen, suit themselves then.
Vassalboro, Maine, Winter 2008.
Picture is a courtesy of Titis Lintang Andari.


Titis Andari said...

Your blog is strongly personal, unfortunately the image in this entry is not. :P

rassi narika said...

Eh, sori-sori, I was about to put your name but then udah keburu ke-post and I got stuck with my boss waktu gw inget lagi. Cup cup. Baekan ya.Hehe.

Do you mind though? It's okay if you do.

Titis Andari said...

hahaha kagak2, gw bercanda kok. kalo gw ga bercanda mah gw pasti juga minta judul blog dan quote di bagian bawah blog lo di-annotate. hehehe.