1. Fantastic Mr. Fox
Wes Anderson made it. With Pixar. But the utmost part of this is that it's a Dahl . I have had a long time love with Mr. Dahl. He wrote children book like noone ever did or does. The fact that children are naive-it-should-be-filled-with-happiness, had never been his way of telling stories. He had this witty way of how life sucks and that bully exists. That life is not fair even for you, kids. Yet, he always grab the feel of children conquering it with a mood of a child. He gives the way of seeing our adult issue, the bitterness we have for being way to exposed to the world that we are about to explode. He gives the world of bitter seen from the world where lollipop is the best paid salary in the world.
Mr. Fox is no exception. I am going to read the book again tonight. It isexactly the way I wish a Dahl's book is portrayed. The Fantasitic Mr. Fox is a story of a fox named Mr. Fox who is, well, fantastic. Great live, a journalist (his voice, oh my, is George Clooney), great family (Merryl Streep is his wife, thank you very much), and a tree of his own. He, however, possess a guilt pleasure of sneaking in for some criminal actions. Rather dangerous, but it's a self actualization of the nature of a fox. He takes the pleasure of sneaking in to the farmers part of the land- the self enriching farmers - and take their stocks. Not so much that he needs the chicken or the egg. It's just that his fox blood always push his athlete mentality to go over the board, litterally. Not even his wife knows about this, and if what she " thinks is happening, is happening. It better not be. " With the outraged farmers' guts all over the place with what the fox did with his bandit friends; they are going to put these animals' coup into and end. For good. A massacre is on planned and buldozers are in position to cut the Foxes' Tree. The Foxes and friends' life is going to get buldozed or else, elsewhere for the farmers.
It should be launched all across America on Thanksgiving Day, which makes me want to be in America for Thanksgiving this year.
2. Alice in Wonderland
Well, you know the story. It's been retold over and over again. For me, it's surreal and absurd for its imaginative storyline. I find my self not able to recall who goes first in the story: the Queen , the cat, or those mini people in the chess game (or were there any?). It's Walt Disney produced (typicall), but it's Tim Burton directed. Oh my, it would be superbly intense and I know it. Burton is some friends' favorite for his way of telling stories. I guess I grew into him thanks to them. He always have this deep dark-fun yet humanizing human kind of pyscholog even when he explains how time stops when you find the love of your life. He dramatizes and takes methaphors litterally, which makes his movies both absurd yet has the quality of making you comprehend those metaphors that you have never quite get. Somehow you comprehend the message to the fullest. I should've known him earlier.

Anyway, Walt Disney is now Burtonizing(!) Alice. The world most imaginative children story is now going to go through the world's most imaginative brain. The storyline would be the same, but it's been said that the movie would actually be a composed story, rather than some happenings happen in a series of event. I'd skip the story, you would know. It's the way the story would be told that would be interesting. Some intense and deep image, wild make over (Depp is red hair and still had this unexplicable sexiness), extraordinary scene and screen play, edgy conversations, and actors acting like you never seen them before (Anne Hatheway is going white blond, super pale skin, and floats). Oh, my, the Alladin-Snow White-Beauty and the Beast-Disney is going downtown with Burton. Oh, my. And it's 3D, I hope that's a good thing. I wish 2010 comes sooner.
I hope "9" is still on.
how could you have watched it??
I want to watch it.. loving Alice's story.. :D
i think i am reading your latest entry at the exact time you wrote this comment, ms. laquesta :).
anyways, no i haven't watched it just happen to see the trailer (different versions!) and knew it would be something. favor to go and watch it once it's out? our last 'kala' watching is still my favorite movie theatre experience.
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