oh, yes, it is the rainy season, people. a friend did ask me not to jinx it, but she herself said if things are meant to be then, it will be. so, the air has now cooled off and the air has fallen to its crispiness, the soil is wet with its smell - yet another reason to live your live to the fullest once rain hits the ground. grab a coffee or hot cocoa with melted marshmallow, and trust me peace would be upon the world for that one moment.
a cute little reunion with a friend who i had not met for six years was such a speechless-ing moment. i was in awe seeing how far and not naive we have been. yes, the jokes were stupid and vulgar in a way. frontal in some parts, oh-er, the heck. we were adults. and i can't stop thinking how each and every one of us put meanings to this people we're befriending with. we cherished it in our own way. some relations had grown deeper than others, of course. who can complain? we're the ones who understand ourselves. some unromantically put things in his/her ignorancy, taking just bits of moments like the rain that falls or the full moon view into consideration. he/she, however, would still spare the energy to go to the balcony that offers the full moon and have a talk. pleasant.
(*grinning though)
bahkan bangke juga bisa jadi nama bunga. ha.
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