2 January 2013

I have not done it in ages. And when I say ages, I mean ages. Time has taken me to the adult life, when you think of all the bills and future plans; when you evaluate the past and talked on the things that matters in life. You know, like politics. 

I felt like crazy when we ran.  You know, my favorite part was that I could cry and none could tell. It's great if you're pursuing career in acting. Challenge yourself by putting the biggest smile on your face so people would have thought that you were having a blast. I once accepted the challenge and won gloriously.

That night I prayed, though, for it to never end; for the thunder to continue to roar; for the chilly wind to remain so I wouldn't be the only bozo for shivering - more because of my inability to keep my chaotic-self contained.

I also prayed people would stop talking to me in Chinese, why would they do that? Never in my life did people accept my claim of being a Chinese, and there all of a sudden they would only accept that I was Chinese. But I guess they were right, I guess every one has that one thing that would always poke them a little bit. For a friend it was a waltz, for you it has always been rain.

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