He's our house's second Geboy. The first legendary one - frow whom we derived name for our male dog - was our first ever dog. Found him in this random satay vendor near my SD many years ago. My older sister begged to touch this other customer who brought a dog that night. Long story short, the dog was named Lintje, and thus began our dog stories. We drop the name, and put Geboy instead.
I didn't like Geboy I, more out of ticklish really of his tongue when he lick me. And I think he looks old and defensive. But then Gaby came along. She was a dachshund, a black one. Somebody out of no where gave it to us when she was just three months, and she was mine. She is chubby and long and catch mouses in a blink of an eye. Gaby died over food poisoning too. My dad believed somebody threw foods to her, and being a food-lover as she was, she ate almost anything tasteful. Only this time, somebody gave potassium within the food, thus she was poisoned.
I had four dogs at that time. Geboy I, Gaby I, Quack, and Quick. The later ones were newbies and died earlier over age. Geboy and Gaby last for quite a while. Gaby was the last to die from the batch. She had four puppies with Quack.
This Geboy II, is the son of Gaby II, who was given by a friend. After the first batch, we had a hard time nurturing more than two dogs at the same time. Be it to their jealousy over each other, or their hyperactive characters which ruined my mom's garden, most of the time we stick with one or two. Gaby II was okay. She's cute and all. She was quite a social though. She loves to play with new people and would not run away when we take her for a walk, leash-free. Thus, is how she ended up with Geboy II.
On the middle of the 2002 Jakarta's big flood, my family, including Gaby evacuated ourselves to my grandma's -a housing complex with more dogs than my alley houses'. Within those waters, I guess she got carried away and start to carry a fetus. We didn't know that she was pregnant until Geboy II was delivered one weekend. We came home finding Gaby with a puppy in a hole she dig and gave birth all by herself to Geboy II.

After the first IV session, he fell and got seizures. He died 14 hours after that.
A call to the vet, after Geboy left, lead us to another puppy. And I feel bad for having ye another dog to replace Geboy in less than 12 hours after he's gone. This is the reason the new puppy isn't named Geboy even if he's a he.
People, please meet Oliver.
PS: The suspect of the poisoning is a fellow neighbor with cats. Ironic as it is, I wish to stop the cycle. Some sneeze powder would do them well though.
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