23 March 2010

an ode to a not-so-occupied dear

Today is a day of infamy. I'm dead serious about it. I don't feel like a human, I feel more like a - well -sluggish. It's 1600hours and ever since the clock hit 0800 hours this morning, I did nothing. And as horrible as it may sound, call me hypocrite or anything, it's working hour, and I'm not suppose to do this. God help me, it's not like I don't want to do anything, but my bosses aren't around, and all the thing that were listed in my to-fo-list involves meetings with my bosses. Well, there are other things that don't involve those bosses, but, the third parties I need to get myself acquainted with for this, are doing last minutes tax reports. Thus, there I was spending hours of stalking people's blogs, seeing what's in, wishing I was 17 again, denying I'm about to be 24, trying to be candid and social. Sigh. What an effort.

I didn't use any of the gifts God gave when He made me. Well, I breathe, I read, I type, none is giving back anything to anyone but myself. Owh, don't you just love being self deprived. I like that word. Don't have a clue what deprived means though.

I have opened my laptop at my office now, which is a bad thing since I already have a PC right on my finger click. But, heck, it's 30 minutes prior to home, yet - what's the word - I haven't quite finished anything. At all. And there's even no ne email coming in. None. Nada.

So, please dear you (or is it dear me), at least focus on something that you'd finish.

And this entry is the first thing of the day that I managed to have it done. Yay, me. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

maybe it's about time you take a break and do nothing? it's not the easiest thing to do. but neither is it the hardest.

rassi narika said...

oh, yes, i should arrange a trip to some beach with some fellow friends then. a friend did actually take me to one. or should i say, she take the thought of me there. nonetheless, the thought was highly appreciated. *walaupun tujuan nama gw muncul sebenarnya berbeda. hahaha.