remember atlas?that greek god that has the globe on top of his shoulder?
i wonder (intrigued by ayn rand's wording), had he ever got tired or even had a sore back?
(*fyi: gw pernah stand by menjadi interpreter bersama teman gw for 3 days in a row. we didn't have anything on our back, yet at the end of the third day, all we wanted was some deep spa massage..)
thus, i can't hardly imagine that atlas had never wanted even a simple rub on the back.
so when atlas get tired, he might shrug.
you know, if you've read my entries, how i've been self-indulged with myself and my feelings. i thought this blog should be a compound for the feelings that my, even if with all the analogies, some dear friend (yes, i mean you, wen) would read me like an open book.
anyway, i've been exposed to other people's life lately. uhm, i had just noticed how my friends had found their path of whatever passion they might have in their life. my dear afs friends who thought we were these oh-so-great dudes - having to survive from one year of independent in states, europe, or oz land. we were simply babies back then. those who were exposed to the world as they born, seeing all the new stuff not knowing if options were possible, and that choosing means you're leading your way down to hell or nirvana.
i figured, we have been gaining something from that year of vicinity. coming down to this year, each and every one of them seems to have their own define definition of how live should be perceived. most of them were extracted on the exposure we had within that years.
thus when it seems to be a trend to talk about the other side of you i simply thought of them. I just found there's these part, that has now finally revealed. some i've never thought (or hope) they were capable of.
as i've been questioning this question myself. whether or not you're exposing all the sides you have (or wish to show), or you simply show the ones that you might think other people would feel more comfortable of.
it (again) is a matter of option.
i have sides that i would keep for my own self. i share it only with a number of person. but those people might have not been shared my other side who might be just a bit too much to handle for them. but they know that my other side exist. i do know that they don't like it, thus, i don't indulge them in that side too often, or too much. up till now i think i only have at least 5 person who knows those sides. 2 of which i've felt comfortable enough to share it with.
so dear friends,we are allowed to have those sides.
having consistency in your character might be boring.
you need some getaway every now and then.
and if we can afford it through ourselves, why bother search for more.
and , no. we're not being a hoax for having those sides. we're actualizing ourselves in different ways. we are hoax when we try to hide them. when we do not reveal it, we're not hiding, we simply choose to be the kind we are on that particular time. other people, well let's just say it's the part they have not known quite yet.
atlas knows he has the other side of him that might want to shrug. when he stay put, he choose to do so. simply because when he shrug, the world may crumble apart.
so for the sake of us, atlas hold the globe still.
i wonder (intrigued by ayn rand's wording), had he ever got tired or even had a sore back?
(*fyi: gw pernah stand by menjadi interpreter bersama teman gw for 3 days in a row. we didn't have anything on our back, yet at the end of the third day, all we wanted was some deep spa massage..)
thus, i can't hardly imagine that atlas had never wanted even a simple rub on the back.
so when atlas get tired, he might shrug.
you know, if you've read my entries, how i've been self-indulged with myself and my feelings. i thought this blog should be a compound for the feelings that my, even if with all the analogies, some dear friend (yes, i mean you, wen) would read me like an open book.
anyway, i've been exposed to other people's life lately. uhm, i had just noticed how my friends had found their path of whatever passion they might have in their life. my dear afs friends who thought we were these oh-so-great dudes - having to survive from one year of independent in states, europe, or oz land. we were simply babies back then. those who were exposed to the world as they born, seeing all the new stuff not knowing if options were possible, and that choosing means you're leading your way down to hell or nirvana.
i figured, we have been gaining something from that year of vicinity. coming down to this year, each and every one of them seems to have their own define definition of how live should be perceived. most of them were extracted on the exposure we had within that years.
thus when it seems to be a trend to talk about the other side of you i simply thought of them. I just found there's these part, that has now finally revealed. some i've never thought (or hope) they were capable of.
as i've been questioning this question myself. whether or not you're exposing all the sides you have (or wish to show), or you simply show the ones that you might think other people would feel more comfortable of.
it (again) is a matter of option.
i have sides that i would keep for my own self. i share it only with a number of person. but those people might have not been shared my other side who might be just a bit too much to handle for them. but they know that my other side exist. i do know that they don't like it, thus, i don't indulge them in that side too often, or too much. up till now i think i only have at least 5 person who knows those sides. 2 of which i've felt comfortable enough to share it with.
so dear friends,we are allowed to have those sides.
having consistency in your character might be boring.
you need some getaway every now and then.
and if we can afford it through ourselves, why bother search for more.
and , no. we're not being a hoax for having those sides. we're actualizing ourselves in different ways. we are hoax when we try to hide them. when we do not reveal it, we're not hiding, we simply choose to be the kind we are on that particular time. other people, well let's just say it's the part they have not known quite yet.
atlas knows he has the other side of him that might want to shrug. when he stay put, he choose to do so. simply because when he shrug, the world may crumble apart.
so for the sake of us, atlas hold the globe still.
am i the one you're comfortable with?? pleaseee.. wink wink.
and speaking of which (referring to our morning chat), our (wannabe) atlas colleague shrugs a lot.. don't you think so? hehehe, jahat yah gw
iya boy, it's you
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