1 October 2008


these whole lebaran movies were thematically made upon the so-called 'love' thing. darn. apparently, it successfully was a way of making my wish - that i posted in my facebook account- came true. hip hip horray.><. i did cry my heart out upon this cheesy movie. well it's not cheesy, i think it was just great, but it brought me to the thought of 'had i watched it in a different time, in a different state of mind, i would probably laughed my heart out.' just like what i did with august rush. a friend of mine and i have ruined august rush for its sense of cheesiness in script, storyline, and exaggerating scene. the actors were okay though. well, it has john rys myer(?) and robin williams for goodness sake. that movie, august rush, i mean. was highly appraised by two friends of mine. they are way more positive - in a good way, guys. i mean they are the kind of person that would be inspired and sought for inspiration, and make it truthfully a reality. well, apparently i was just a bit bitter compared to them. so when this august rush kid were being asked ,
"do you like music?"
and answered with
"more than i like food."
i laughed my heart out.
i mean seriously. when he was asked,
"what do you want to be?"
and he said,
those two friends were in tears. i simply rolled my eyes.

moreover i've been enjoying this vacation. baked my cookies, chat with a good friend of mine back in maine, finished my notetaking as i wish i could get those pumps after being paid, daydreaming upon my wedding dress (don't ask why, i just do). i even found a perfect song to be played on my way down the aisle, not the one in church. i think the church blessing should be more gregorian and church-y like. but that won't be till a couple of years from now. i know.

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